2023 |
80 |
Paris, France |
3/1639/RM |
3/1638/DL |
2023 |
79 |
Oslo, Norway, |
3/1583/RM |
3/1582/DL |
Committee name: Dcumentationm, graphical symbols and technical representations of information |
2022 |
78 |
Virtual meeting |
3/1523/RM |
3/1518/DL |
2019 |
75 |
Shanghai, China |
3/1432/RM |
3/1430/DL |
2018 |
74 |
Fukuoka, Japan |
3/1391/RM |
3/1389/DL |
2017 |
73 |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
3/1351/RM |
3/1350/DL |
2016 |
72 |
Paris, France |
3/1302/RM |
- |
2015 |
71 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
3/1253/RM |
- |
Committee name: Information structures and elements, identification and marking principles, documentation and graphical symbols |
2014 |
70 |
Tokyo, Japan |
3/1207/RM |
- |
2013 |
69 |
Prague, Czezh Republic |
3/1174/RM |
- |
2012 |
68 |
Oslo, Norway |
3/1136/RM |
- |
2011 |
67 |
Helsinki, Finland |
3/1085/RM |
- |
2010 |
66 |
Seattle, USA |
3/1031/RM |
- |
2009 |
65 |
Tel Aviv, Israel |
3/983/RM |
- |
2008 |
64 |
Prague, Czezh Republic |
3/937/RM |
- |
2007 |
63 |
Paris, France |
3/885/RM |
- |
2006 |
62 |
Berlin, Germany |
3/832/RM |
- |
2005 |
61 |
Cape Town, South Africa |
3/797/RM |
- |
2004 |
60 |
Eindhoven, Netherlands |
3/747/RM |
- |
2003 |
59 |
Montreal, Canada |
3/702/RM |
- |
2002 |
58 |
Prague, Czezh Republic |
3/656/RM |
- |
2001 |
59 |
Oslo, Norway |
3/588/RM |
- |
SC 3B was disbanded |
2000 |
58 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
3/573/RM |
- |
Committee name: Information structures, documentation and
graphical symbols |
1999 |
57 |
Kyoto, Japan |
3/559/RN |
- |
1998 |
56 |
Charlottenlund, Denmark |
3/538/RM |
- |
SC 3A was disbanded |
1997 |
55 |
New Dehli, India |
3/522/RM |
- |
1996 |
54 |
Helsinki, Finland |
3/502/RM |
- |
1995 |
53 |
London, United Kingdom |
3/486/RM |
- |
1994 |
52 |
Makuhari, Japan |
RM 3758/TC3 |
- |
1992 |
51 |
Rotterdam, Netherlands |
RM 3561/TC3 |
- |
1991 |
50 |
Paris, France |
RM 3430/TC3 |
- |
1990 |
49 |
Los Angeles, USA |
RM 3299/TC 3 |
- |
First meeting of SC 3D |
1988 |
48 |
Bern, Switzerland |
RM 3129/TC 3 |
- |
1986 |
47 |
Berlin, Geremany |
RM 2963/TC 3 |
- |
1985 |
46 |
Helsinki, Finland |
RM 2817/TC 3 |
- |
Committee name: Documentation and graphical symbols |
1983 |
45 |
Milan, Italy |
RM 2605/TC 3 |
- |
1980 |
44 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
RM 2335/TC 3 |
- |
1978 |
43 |
Paris, France |
RM 2128/TC 3 |
- |
1977 |
42 |
Bern, Switzerland |
RM 2033/TC 3 |
- |
1975 |
41 |
The Hague, Neterlands |
RM 1814/TC 3 |
- |
1973 |
40 |
Istanbul, Turkey |
RM 1650/TC 3 |
- |
1972 |
39 |
Athens, Greece |
RM 1527/TC 3 |
- |
1971 |
38 |
Helsinki, Finland |
RM 1428/TC 3 |
- |
1970 |
37 |
Zürich, Switzerland |
RM 1359/TC 3 |
- |
1969 |
36 |
Teheran, Iran |
RM 1254/TC 3 |
- |
First meetings of SC 3A, SC 3B and SC 3C. |
1969 |
35 |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
RM 1186/TC 3 |
- |
1968 |
34 |
London, United Kingdom |
- |
- |
1967 |
33 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
- |
- |
1966 |
32 |
Tel Aviv, Israel |
RM 990/TC 3 |
- |
1965 |
31 |
Montreux, Switzerland |
RM 897/TC 3 |
- |
1964 |
30 |
Aix-les-Bains, France |
RM 859/TC 3 |
- |
1963 |
29 |
Venice, Italy |
RM 772/TC 3 |
- |
1961 |
28 |
Interlaken, Switzerland |
RM 646/TC 3 |
- |
1960 |
27 |
Paris, France |
R.M.603/T.C.3 |
- |
1959 |
26 |
Milan, Italy |
R.M.585/T.C.3 Exp. |
- |
Experts' committee |
1959 |
25 |
Madrid, Spain |
R.M.539/T.C.3 |
- |
1958 |
24 |
Stockholm |
R.M.492/T.C.3 Exp. |
- |
Experts' committee |
1958 |
23 |
Stockholm |
R.M.491/T.C.3 |
- |
1957 |
22 |
Nice, France |
R.M.469/T.C.3-Exp. |
- |
Expert's sub-committee |
1956 |
21 |
Zürich, Switzerland |
R.M.450/T.C.3 Exp. |
- |
Expert's sub-committee |
1955 |
20 |
London, United Kingdom |
R.M.379/T.C.3 |
- |
1955 |
19 |
London, United Kingdom |
R.M.378/T.C.3-Exp. |
- |
Experts' committee |
1953 |
18 |
Opatija, Yougoslavia |
R.M.300/T.C.3 Experts |
- |
Experts' committee |
1952 |
17 |
Scheveningen, Netherlands |
R.M.273/T.C.3 |
- |
1952 |
16 |
Scheveningen, Netherlands |
R.M.272/T.C.3 Exp |
- |
Experts' committee |
1951 |
15 |
Montreux, Switzerland |
R.M.261 |
- |
1950 |
14 |
Paris, France |
R.M.225 |
- |
1938 |
13 |
Torquay, United Kingdom |
R.M.157 |
- |
Committee name: TC 3: Graphical symbols |
1935 |
12 |
Brussels, Belgium |
R.M. 120 |
- |
1934 |
11 |
Prague, Czechoslovakia |
R.M.110. |
- |
1930 |
10 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
R.M. 79. |
- |
1927 |
9 |
Bellagio, Italy |
R.M.54. |
- |
1926 |
8 |
New York, USA |
R. M. 38 |
- |
1925 |
7 |
The Hague, Netherlands |
R.M.20. |
- |
1924 |
6 |
London, United Kingdom |
R.M. 13. |
- |
Committee name: Advisory Committee on Symbols |
1922 |
5 |
Geneva, Switzerland |
- |
- |
Joint Meeting of Advisory Committees of Nomenclature and Symbols |
1920 |
4 |
Brussels, Belgium |
R.M.2. |
- |
Joint Meeting of Advisory Committees of Nomenclature and Symbols |
1913 |
3 |
Berlin, Germany |
- |
- |
1911 |
2 |
?? |
- |
- |
1910 |
1 |
Brussels, Belgium |
- |
- |
Committee name: Special Committee on Symbols |