Making electrotechnology work for everyone

The IEC provides a global platform where thousands of experts from around the world are able to cooperate to develop the International Standards or conformity assessment services that are needed by industry, regulators and policy makers, testing or research laboratories, academia, investors or insurers.

Home of Industry

Markets are becoming more and more interdependent. Electrical and electronic devices and components represent a large percentage of goods traded globally and they generally transit through many countries before they are assembled and finally consumed. Today, these goods are no longer “made in a country”; they are “made in the world”.

Ultimately all parts that are used to build a product need to fit and work safely together. Harmonized rules such as those incorporated in IEC International Standards allow countries and industries to participate more effectively in these global value chains.

Global Platform

The IEC is a global community in which nearly 20 000 experts work.

The dynamism of this community is highlighted through the work done by these experts every day.

The experts understand how equipment should be designed, produced, operated, installed, maintained and overhauled and introduce that knowledge into IEC International Standards.

Each expert represents a member country whose needs are taken into account through the IEC National Committee

Global Reach

Millions of devices that contain electronics, and use or produce electricity, rely on IEC International Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems to perform, fit and work safely together.

The IEC provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.

Assessing Conformity

Conformity assessment refers to any activity that determines whether a product, system or service corresponds to the requirements contained in a specification.

A specification, often a standard, is a technical description of the characteristics a product, service or object is required to fulfill.